OM Engineering Services, Inc. can also provide structural engineering and analysis for all types of facilities from retail, foodservice, healthcare, entertainment to traditional Hotels, offices buildings, parking garages, and remodels. We partner with Architects and MEP & FP firms to provide a full engineering consulting services for your project.
• Bridge Design (concrete, steel)
• Wall Design (CIP, MSE, sheetpile)
• Mast Arms / Strain poles
• Sign and Signal Structure/Overhead
• Building Structures
We also provide traffic-engineering services in conjunction with many engineering projects. One example is addressing critical roadway and structural engineering issues for our clients. It makes such a positive difference in the communities and clients we serve, helping to resolve major issues and provide solutions for the project.
bridge design
(concrete, steel)
The bridge structures are important component in highway, railway, and urban road and play important roles in economy, politics, culture, as well as national defense. Especially for medium span and larger span bridges, they are generally served as “lifeline” engineering due to their vital functions in the transportation network. Therefore, the bridge structures should be carefully planned and designed before the construction. OME has experience in the bridge design process and, bridge design philosophy.
Sign and Signal Structure/Overhead
Traffic signal warrant analyses and evaluations will be performed in accordance with the current MUTCD and, if applicable, any locality Supplement to the MUTCD. Factors which establish the basis of warrants for signalization include vehicular and pedestrian volumes, delays on side street approaches during the peak hours, lane use, crash history, speeds on the mainline approaches, and proximity to schools or rail crossings. OME has provide analyses and singulation design for private and public projects.
wall design
(cip, mse, sheetpile)
OME has experience designing Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) retaining wall, sheet pile and CIP wall for private and public projects. Our designs take in consideration the surrounding areas to assure the end result enhances the area
building structures
OME has the experience and knowledge to provide structural engineering design for facilities of all types.
Mast arms /
strain poles
The two basic types of traffic signal supports are strain poles and mast arm poles. Traffic signal supports shall be in accordance with current FDOT standards and specifications and the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic Signals. OME has provided designs for a number of projects.