Engineering and Construction projects are complicated and challenging endeavors. Owners can encounter big problems; therefore, owners need an experienced and knowledgeable team to identify project risks. Even one mistake in any of the different phases and scopes on a project can mean big problems resulting in delays and cost overruns. With the financial stakes so high, every step of the project must be managed carefully by experienced professionals. OM Engineering's sole focus is on project and construction management, so owners can be confident our priority is delivering the project.
• Project Oversight
• Project Management
• Risk Management
• cost estimating
• SCheduling
• Project Controls

Project Oversight
Through our experience and expertise, OME offers several advantages to our clients. OME an in-depth view of the risks projects are likely to encounter. We quickly identify these risks and provide recommendations on how to protect your project. OME also brings a local focus, with a detailed understanding of the conditions, nuances, risks and opportunities likely to influence your project, but supported by our engineering staff of industry experts as needed. The combination of these strengths means, from concept to completion, OME adds value to your projects. OME provides a level of expertise unique to our firm and offers our clients the professional consulting services to successfully manage all aspects of your projects, from inception through close-out and occupancy. OME will be with the owner every step of the way.
OME has prepared cost estimates on projects ranging from thousands to millions of dollars. Our estimates support planning, design, construction, renovation, operations and maintenance, change order negotiations and claims support. We develop budgetary and detailed cost estimates in accordance with our client’s specific standards and needs. We solicit vendor quotes, where appropriate, and obtain local material costs from actual, regional suppliers. OME also derives labor productivity rates from our project experience and more than 30-year history of supporting construction projects. OME’s estimating and cost management services include: Master budget planning, conceptual budget estimates, estimates at 60%, 95% & 100% CDs, project work schedules, constructability reviews, value engineering, change orders, administration, long lead items identification and documentation, FDOT pay items estimates.
Project Management
OME professionals bring hands-on construction experience specific to the project types they manage, backed by a first-hand understanding of local conditions. This experience gives our project teams the practical knowledge they need to effectively manage projects ranging from site development to facilities projects such as retail, restaurants, schools, theme parks, resorts, etc. For our clients, the result is on-site support tailored to realizing your project’s objectives and focused on managing your project’s constraints.
OME’s scheduling professionals evaluate project and program schedules to identify all possible in scope, logic, sequence and duration. Their evaluation helps clients sort out critical vs. non critical activities, evaluate resource loading and perform time base analyses. OME’s experts define our best practices by utilizing the most sophisticated methods for establishing and evaluating schedule conflicts, analyzing delays/acceleration, conducting productivity analysis, auditing costs and determining damages as well as a recovery plan to get project back on track.
OME experience in managing construction risk. Our methodical risk management represents a long-term investment in the project or program process, delivering to your project benefits ranging from more responsive management plans to mitigating against unforeseen events. While most owners understand the negative impacts schedule, budget and other risks can have on their projects, only the most forward-thinking owners realize risk management, properly planned and monitored, can benefit their project beyond protecting against risk. OME offers to our client’s specific risk management experience and expertise in a wide variety of projects, settings and circumstances. Our formal, thorough and complete risk management services can help owners to both better manage risks and to take advantage of opportunities a less diligent approach to risk would miss
Project Controls
OME’s emphasis on risk management defines our project controls support. Whether using in-house, off-the-shelf systems or client-specific platforms and tools, we integrate and manage schedules, budgets and contract administration to provide you with the timely, accurate information on cash flow needs, costs, schedules, changes, progress (status), claims, material, equipment and labor needed to track progress and make informed decisions. The result is “no surprises” project delivery that keeps stakeholders on-board and project participants focused on your success. OME’s experts in CPM scheduling analyze contractors’ project schedules, advise management of the accuracy of these schedules and present Effective assessments and recommendations, minimizing potential problems. Similarly, OME’s estimating services provide a basis for bid award and for forecasting and managing total capital cost. Contract administration also supports your project through change order management control--a key tool to support project success.