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Rail Trail From CR 315 to Holloway Road

Putnam County, Florida

OM Engineering completed this FDOT District 2 project as a subcontractor to Commercial Industrial Corporation. We performed transportation and structural design services, as well as post design services, as part of this contract. The project involved aspects of roadway design, maintenance of traffic (MOT), and signing and pavement marking plans; bridge foundation design, and a review of the pre-fabricated bridges provided by Commercial Industrial Corporation; a geotechnical investigation and report for the bridge foundations; the preparation of an environmental report for permitting; and permitting. The trail consisted of two pedestrian bridges (one 75 feet long and one 50 feet long) and a 12-foot wide asphalt path with 2-foot unpaved shoulders approximately 4.4 miles in length.

Rail Trail From CR 315_Pedestrian-Bridge.jpg

LANDING OF ST. JOHN's land development

Astor, Florida

OM Engineering has completed a 52-acre Planned Unit Development (PUD) located in Astor, Florida near the St. Johns River. Providing site plan evaluation, roadway and drainage design, and CADD support were the main responsibilities undertaken for this project. OM Engineering acquired St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) permitting and performed environmental assessment of the development.  The project also involved an approximately 17 acre site which is bounded by single family residential buildings, as well as commercial developments along SR 40.


Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan

Orlando International Airport

OM Engineering was contracted by Hubbard Construction for preparing the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the Orlando International Airport Taxiway C Resurfacing. This plan includes a report and set of site plan drawings describing all activities for providing adequate stormwater and stabilization control measures and facilities in order to prevent the construction activity negatively impacting the quality of the connected drainage areas. The report describes the current conditions and all of the proposed construction activities, and substantiates the total area, amount of soil area to be disturbed and all BMPs (Best Management Practices) to be installed. Detailed instructions are given for controlling each type of pollutant and inspection procedures for the BMP’s. A detailed site map was prepared to identify the locations and quantities of each item stated in the SWPPP report. Also, attached drawings indicate all pertinent information to SWPPP, such as project phasing, staging and hauling areas, flow lines, etc.



Orlando International Airport

OM Engineering completed this GOAA project as subcontractors to Hubbard Construction. Our responsibilities included Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) plans, Signing and Pavement marking for 0.5 mile roadway, widening, and realignment.


Turkey lake road AND wallace ROAD extension

Orlando, FLORIDA

OM Engineering is performing transportation and structural design services, as well as construction monitoring services, as part of this contract. The project involves aspects of roadway design to accommodate the entrance and exit to a new service road, utility coordination, drainage and stormwater, and permitting. The three-way intersection is being reconfigured to a four-way intersection to accommodate a private access to adjacent property, while maintaining existing traffic flows and level of service of the intersection.

Wallace Rd.jpg

Kirkman Roadway Extension

orlando, florida

OME designed the extension of Kirkman Road South, from Carrier Drive to Universal Boulevard at the existing intersection with Tradeshow Boulevard, approximately 1.7 miles for Universal Orlando in association with Orange County, FDOT, and local Utility Companies. OME was the prime consulting engineer and hired sub-consultants. OME scope included Drainage Design, Structural Design, Utility Coordination, Miscellaneous structures, and Project Management.

Rail Tral CR315 Anchor
St johns landing anchor
swppp anchor
south access road anchor
wallce anchor
Kirkman anchor
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